Crumbs & Craters at The Gingerbread City

For the 2024 Gingerbread City, Crumbs and Craters re-imagines the Woking town centre landmark of Christ Church through the lens of H.G. Wells’ War of the Worlds.
In the novel, Woking is battered by heat-ray guns deployed by Martian tripods and the town centre is largely destroyed.
In the aftermath, we present the resilience and ingenuity of community in adapting what remains of the structural frame and re-purposing rubble (biscuit crumbs) to rebuild the church with renewed relevance to the town’s people.
With a brief of “The Recycled City”, this year’s sweet cityscape is focused on re-use of land, buildings & materials – open until 29 December. Thanks to Luke O’Donovan for the great photo.